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Dortmund Data Bank
Thermophysical Data for Process Design
Contact: ☎ +49 441 361819 0 or ✉


A quote for experimental literature data about the system can be obtained via email.
DDB# Name CAS-RN Formula
148 Sulfuric acid 7664-93-9 H2O4S Details
174 Water 7732-18-5 H2O Details
13509 Ferric oxide [fe2o3] 1309-37-1 Fe2O3 Details
77832 Iron Hydroxide Oxide 12259-21-1 Fe2O3*H2O Details
1003335 Triiron(III) pentahydroxo disulfate
Fe3(OH)5(SO4)2*4H2O Details
1003338 Iron(III) hydroxo sulfate tetrahydrate FeOHSO4*4H2O Details
1003339 Tetrairon(III) dihydroxo pentasulfate
Fe4(OH)2(SO4)5*16H2O Details
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Dortmund Data Bank Version: July 2024
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